Settings -------- All configuration is done using environment variables. You can also create an ``.env`` or ``*.cfg`` file in your project root, they will be loaded automatically. Here is a sample ``.env`` file:: LOAFER_DEFAULT_ROUTE_SOURCE=my-queue-name All the possible configuration keys and its default values are listed below (entries without default values are marked as **required**): .. list-table:: Settings table :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Default value * - LOAFER_LOG_FORMAT - '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' * - LOAFER_MAX_JOBS - 10 * - LOAFER_MAX_THREAD_POOL - None * - LOAFER_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TRANSLATOR_CLASS - '' * - LOAFER_DEFAULT_ROUTE_NAME - 'default' * - LOAFER_DEFAULT_ROUTE_SOURCE - **required** * - LOAFER_DEFAULT_ROUTE_HANDLER - '' * - LOAFER_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_CLASS - '' * - LOAFER_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_OPTIONS - {'WaitTimeSeconds: 5, 'MaxNumberOfMessages': 5} The ``LOAFER_MAX_JOBS`` is the number of concurrent ``handler`` executions. The ``LOAFER_MAX_THREAD_POOL`` if not set, are determined automatically by the number of cores in the machine. Threads are used to execute ``non-asyncio`` code. All variables that requires a ``class`` or ``callable`` must be a full name, e.g., we must be able to import it. AWS ~~~ To configure AWS access, check `boto3 configuration`_ or export:: $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= .. _boto3 configuration: