Error Handlers

Every Route implements a coroutine error_handler that can be used as an error hook. This hook are called when unhandled exceptions happen and by default it will only log the error and not acknowledge the message.

Route accepts a callable parameter, error_handler, so you can pass a custom function or coroutine to replace the default error handler behavior.

The callable should be similar to:

async def custom_error_handler(exc_info, message):
    ... custom code here ...
    return True

 # Route(..., error_handler=custom_error_handler)

The return value determines if the message that originated the error will be acknowledged or not. True means acknowledge it, False will only ignore the message (default behavior).


To integrate with sentry you will need the sdk client and your account DSN.

Then you can automatically create an error_handler with the following code:

from loafer.ext.sentry import sentry_handler
from sentry_sdk import init, capture_message

error_handler = sentry_handler(capture_message, delete_message=True)

The optional delete_message parameter controls the message acknowledgement after the error report. By default, delete_message is False.

The error_handler defined can be set on any Route instance.